Hunarmand India


How do I change my notification settings?

How can I deactivate my profile?

How can I unsubscribe the newsletter?

Hunarmand India allows you to search for company-specific jobs. The portal offers you different options when you hover the mouse on the "Companies" tab at Home Page. Select the category in which you want to filter your company search.

Can I get my profile back after deleting?

The profile cannot be retrieved once deleted.

How can I change the password of my account?

To change the password of your account-

  • Login into the account.
  • Click the drop-down button placed on the side of your profile picture.
  • Click on "Reset Password."
  • Enter the old password.
  • Enter a new password.
  • Click "Update".

Can I limit the visibility of my profile?

The visibility of a profile cannot be limited.